Thursday, 4 January 2018

My Goals - 2018 Edition

Here we are again, another year another time to reflect! Its the first few days back to reality after the Christmas period where we all decide what our goals for this year are going to be.

I always set myself goals, but quite often don't achieve them fully or at all - which I am sure I am not the only one!

This year I have decided to set myself some smaller, more achievable goals.

One thing I am determined to actually achieve this year (and didn't really manage last year) is to get myself into an exercise routine. The reason I think I did not complete this last year is because I did not have anything to work towards, but now I have a holiday to Cape Verde in June and am determined to feel amazing in my bikini! I have started swimming once a week with a friend, and am going to make myself get back into running. I am also going to have a go at some weight training/ HIIT to tone up - just waiting on my dumbbells to arrive!

The next goal I have set myself is save, save, save - we now have a wedding & honeymoon to pay for of course! We are also wanting to save for a few other things and a new house. We only plan on living in the home we have now for a maximum of 5 years (hopefully) so the more we can save for our forever home over the next few years the better!

Leading on from home related goals I would love to finish the house off this year. There is not much left to do, but they come with a price tag. First on our list is to fit a built in wardrobe and then its on to the kitchen tiling and a new sink & tap - I hate the stainless steel! Everywhere needs a fresh coat of paint and some holes filling in, but that can wait until everything is finished.

Finally, my last goal is to worry less about what other people are doing and focus on what I want and to not care what other people think. I am a worrier and I get frustrated at myself sometimes for letting other people get to me - all that matters is my happiness after all!

I can't wait to look back at the end of this year to see what I have achieved.  hopefully I will do better than last year!

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