You'll be pleased to know we finally moved into our first home back on the 26th May 2017 and life couldn't be better (update on this coming soon). Now living with my partner means making sure I am not slipping back into bad eating habits - as he tends to eat what he wants (mainly sweet things!). The weekends have been more challenging for me since moving as at weekends I am a cricket widow (for anyone else whose partners play cricket will know my pain), and during the winter months I am a rugby widow, which tends to lead to my boredom and therefore meaning I want to eat everything in sight. Somehow, I have managed to maintain my weight of 8 Stone 10lbs - which is my target weight - and at weekends eat that chocolate bar or three (plus the crisps, sweets and naughty meals out). I am shocked that I have managed to keep this up as I feel so guilty after indulging at the weekend, but I have started to learn that you can't live your life on a constant strict diet - who wants to do that! There will be that night out your are invited to, that birthday, or just a date night. You can't live your life in fear of gaining weight. You must remind yourself that you have managed to loose all the weight so whats gaining a pound or 3 and loosing it again?
I am still sticking to the rules of Slimming World but am tending not to count my syns at the weekend. During the week I will be 100% on plan and pack in the speed foods. If I feel I have an horrendous weekend food wise, which seems to be 24/7 at the moment, I will reign it back in by doing a few syn free days. I know there are different opinions on doing this, but I have learnt that weight loss and maintaining is all about learning what's best for you.
Body image is always something that I have struggled with since a young age, but have slowly started to over come by demons with that as I have gotten older. I don't think I will be going into detail on my past as I feel that I have talked about these with someone, sought the help I needed and am now living in a more positive mindset - I am trying not to dwell on the past. Maybe one day I will share some of my past with you. I do often wonder if I will ever be completely happy with my weight and how I look, but then I remind myself that I am not where I used to be, and that many people who I consider to have the "perfect" body are also struggling with the same things.
I can now say that I am probably 70% confident with my weight even if there are a few wobbly bits I would like to work on - but only I can change that. It's all about having a positive mindset and getting up and doing something about it, which I even know can be easier said that done. I have been telling myself all week I must go on a run, lets see if I actually get to it!